
Sunday 1 March 2015

Treat Petite March 2015

Thank you to all who sent in bakes for Treat Petite in February. Kat and I were ‘heart’-warmed (geddit?) by all the ‘love’ly entries, and they made us feel very romantic (not together obviously!!).

So what for March’s Treat Petite you might be wondering?

Do I choose a theme of St. Patrick’s Day perhaps, Comic Relief, or maybe something to do with British ‘Summer’ Time starting in a few weeks (I bet you can’t believe that!)?

Nope, I have gone for Mother’s Day! Mothering Sunday is on 15 March this year in the UK. I say that as Mother’s Day varies around the world. In the US it happens in May for example (all to do with religion apparently).

So I would like to see your petite treats baked for your mothers, grandmothers or someone who has been like a mum to you. And why wait for Mother’s Day? If she has a birthday in March, or you are spoiling her anyway, send in an entry!

 ‘Here’s the rules…’

Treat Petite is for all of those delicious bites, which can be individually portioned. Tray bakes are fine, cookies, cupcakes, brownies, macarons and so on. No cakes, puddings, whole loaves – you get the idea…here are those all-important rules.

1.       Add your petite treat to the Linky at the bottom of this post by the 25th of the month, midnight at the latest.

2.       Post your bake onto your blog and link back to Cakeyboi and The Baking Explorer, stating who is hosting this month.

3.       Follow Cakeyboi and The Baking Explorer blogs on Google + (see sidebar links), if you haven’t already.

4.       If you tweet use  #treatpetite and mention @MrCakeyboi and @BakingExplorer – we will retweet.

5.       Add the challenge logo to the post and ‘Treat Petite’ as a label to the post

6.       Use any recipe as long as the source is noted.

7.       If you like, add your photo to the ‘Treat Petite’ Pinterest board (request access from me – Cakeyboi).

8.       Feel free to enter old posts as long as you update the post and meet all the requirements above!

Above all else – have fun!!


  1. Fab theme. Loads planned x

  2. Can't wait to see what everyone bakes!

  3. Great choice of theme. hmm... what to make? :)

  4. As a mother myself and since mine is so far away can I just make something for myself? That's not being cheeky is it?? lol ;0)

  5. Thanks for the party, there was some problem in linking, it appeared twice, please remove the last one.

    1. Removed for you. Thanks for taking part!


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