
Thursday 2 April 2015

Fried Egg Meringue Cookies

meringues that look just like a fried egg

This recipe isn’t really a recipe – it’s just meringue!

But it is just so cute yet so simple and perfect for Easter.

Now, first of all, to those in the UK, you are probably wondering where the cookie part comes in? Well, in America, the recipe books I have anyway, cookies are not just the beige coloured, chocolate chipped circles that we know. They class allsorts as cookies from said meringues to palmiers, brandy snaps even lemon bars.

Hence, I have called these meringue cookies, but just call them meringues if you wish. The best part, I think is the design – they look identical to a fried egg! Just by piping them into a squidgy splat shape and colouring some extra meringue yellow and piping on a yolk, these are great fun.

meringues that look just like a fried egg

They are delicate, as they are piped quite thin. You can if you wish, dip the bottoms into some melted chocolate for extra flavour, but I liked them just as they are.

If you can whisk egg whites, then you can make these.

My oven must be a bit skewwhiff as my top tray of meringues browned ever so slightly, whereas the bottom row stayed perfectly white.

meringues that look just like a fried egg

The secret is to keep your oven as low as possible. I’ve even heard of people keeping the door ajar by jamming it open with a wooden spoon. I didn’t try that myself – perhaps I should’ve? Hey-ho – they are still edible and so cute for Easter!

Here's how I made them...(I've just realised as I'm typing they also look a bit like daisies!!)

Fried Egg Meringue Cookies

Thumbnail Url Meringues that look just like a fried egg!
Cuisine: Dessert Category: Cookies Yields: 18 cookies
Prep Time: Cook Time: Total Time:
  • 4 large egg whites, room temperature
  • ¼ teaspoon, salt
  • 260 grams, granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon, cornflour
  • 1 teaspoon, white vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon, vanilla extract
  • Yellow food colouring
  1. Pre-heat the oven to 100C.
  2. Line two large baking sheets with greaseproof paper. With a pencil, draw fried egg splat shaped on the sheet, slightly apart. I got 9 shapes on each of my sheets of paper. Flip the paper over and set the trays aside.
  3. In the bowl of a food mixer with the whisk attachment, beat the egg white and salt, until white and peaks form. Keep whisking as you add the sugar, tablespoon at a time. Lastly add the cornflour, vinegar and vanilla.
  4. Take a couple of large dessert spoonfuls of the meringue mix and place into a smaller bowl. Add yellow food colouring and mix until you get an egg yolk type colour.
  5. Transfer the white meringue mix to a piping bag and pipe into the shapes you had drawn on the baking paper (ensuring you have turned the paper over!). Smooth each ‘egg white’ with an off-set spatula.
  6. Place the yellow meringue mix into a piping bag and pipe a yolk sized circle in the centre of each white. Smooth any raised tip with a wet finger.
  7. Place both baking trays in the oven for 1 hour to 1 hour 20 minutes. Swap and rotate each tray halfway through baking.
  8. Remove when the cookies are firm to the touch and are no longer wet.
  9. Allow to cool slightly before carefully peeling from the paper.
  10. (Dip the bases into melted chocolate at this stage, if you so wish.)
  11. There you have fried egg meringue cookies.

Happy Easter everyone!


  1. Replies
    1. Cheers Lucy - hope you had a nice Easter!

  2. These are fantastico! I won't be dipping my bottom though 😳

  3. These are absolutely brilliant Stuart. I really do LOVE them.

    1. Thanks Claire, just a wee bit of Eastery fun :)

  4. amazing recipe thank you :)

  5. Genius idea! These are so cute and perfect for Easter!

  6. Ha!! Love them!! They are perfect for this time of year... you should make Sprinkle Bakes Shortbread bacon to go with them! :0)

  7. What a great idea! These are so cute! Happy Easter.

  8. these are utterly genius... and so pretty. I love them!

  9. Brilliant! These are so cool. Great for parties too. Happy Easter x

  10. They are so pretty! Look good enough to eat xxx

  11. Oohh, these are so adorable!

  12. What a fantastic idea, they are so adorable


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